• Why did I revive a PDF as an instant download?

    The reason you received a PDF for your instant download has to do with file size limits. The company that I use for this website has a size limit on file uploads. PSD files exceed this limit. The instant download PDF has the link where you can access the template PSD files to download in Google Drive.

  • Do I need a Google account to access Google Drive?

    The short answer is no! Google Drive allows you to access and download your file without needing to sign up for anything.

  • My instant download link expired. What do I do now?

    The instant download PDF link that was sent to you expires after 24 hours. Simply click here to fill out the form to have another one sent to you. You can also click the Expired Replacement Link Request at the top of the page. It’s recommended that once you receive your PDF that you save it to your computer to access it anytime you need it.

  • What happens if I do not know how to do something on a template I purchased?

    I will be happy to assist you any way I can. Just send me an email by clicking here and It would be a pleasure to walk you though it.

  • Do you do custom work?

    Absolutely! Just send me an email with what you have in mind by clicking here.

  • What program do you use for your templates?

    All templates are created in Adobe Photoshop CC.