
It all started with a car accident. In my first semester of going to college to become a Paramedic, I was on my way home when a car hit me. I was told due to my injuries I would more than likely never be able to meet the physical requirements to become a Paramedic. I had to drop out of school, quit my job, and spend my time going to physical therapy. I was really upset because my dream job was just taken away from me at a young age…. Or so I thought. After many years of trying to fill the void and trying to find a job that I was able to do, I stumbled upon my creative side by coaching my kids T-Ball team. When it came to figuring out what to give them at the end of the season, I wanted to do more than just a trophy. So I decided I was going to make them a Magazine. I spent many hours learning how to use photoshop by watching YouTube. I finally finished and sent everything over to be printed. When I received it in the mail, I was blown away. I thought to myself “I did that, I actually made this!”. The parents and the kids absolutely loved it and I knew right then and there I wanted to continue to do this. So I spent years teaching myself on how to work in Photoshop. I joined some online groups for photographers and when I saw a post that was looking for someone to help make templates and help with player extractions, I responded and was excited to be giving the opportunity to work with them. I had an absolute blast and this is where the desire to work in the sports industry began. Once the season was over the company referred me to another company so I can continue on this journey. The new company I was helping was another temporary project that required resizing and working on their template website samples. Things slowed down in between seasons and I did some non-sports related work in the mean time. I liked doing the other things, but not as much as working with Sports Templates. As fate would bring, one of the businesses I worked with in the past recommended me to a company that was looking for someone that they needed long term. So now for the past couple of years I have been helping this great company out and absolutely love it. Each company has helped me gain valuable knowledge to expand my skills. I am very grateful for all of them taking a chance on me. Because of them I have finally reached my goal which is making my own templates. After many years of hard work, I am excited that I get to create artwork that skilled photographers will use to showcase memories that they captured and providing families will memorabilia they will cherish for a lifetime.